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TOSCA – first international registry to address knowledge gaps in the natural history and management of tuberous sclerosis complex

机译:TOSCA –第一个解决自然历史和结节性硬化复合体管理中的知识空白的国际注册机构



Abstract Background Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare, multisystem, genetic disorder with an estimated prevalence between 1/6800 and 1/15000. Although recent years have seen huge progress in understanding the pathophysiology and in the management of TSC, several questions remain unanswered. A disease registry could be an effective tool to gain more insights into TSC and thus help in the development of improved management strategies. Methods TuberOus SClerosis registry to increase disease Awareness (TOSCA) is a multicentre, international disease registry to assess manifestations, interventions, and outcomes in patients with TSC. Patients of any age diagnosed with TSC, having a documented visit for TSC within the preceding 12 months, or newly diagnosed individuals are eligible. Objectives include mapping the course of TSC manifestations and their effects on prognosis, identifying patients with rare symptoms and co-morbidities, recording interventions and their outcomes, contributing to creation of an evidence-base for disease assessment and therapy, informing further research on TSC, and evaluating the quality of life of patients with TSC. The registry includes a ‘core’ section and subsections or ‘petals’. The ‘core’ section is designed to record general information on patients’ background collected at baseline and updated annually. Subsections will be developed over time to record additional data related to specific disease manifestations and will be updated annually. The registry aimed to enrol approximately 2000 patients from about 250 sites in 31 countries. The initial enrolment period was of 24 months. A follow-up observation period of up to 5 years is planned. Results A pre-planned administrative analysis of ‘core’ data from the first 100 patients was performed to evaluate the feasibility of the registry. Results showed a high degree of accuracy of the data collection procedure. Annual interim analyses are scheduled. Results of first interim analysis will be presented subsequent to data availability in 2014. Implications The results of TOSCA will assist in filling the gaps in understanding the natural history of TSC and help in planning better management and surveillance strategies. This large-scale international registry to study TSC could serve as a model to encourage planning of similar registries for other rare diseases.
机译:摘要背景结节性硬化症(TSC)是一种罕见的多系统遗传病,估计患病率在1/6800至1/15000之间。尽管近年来在了解TSC的病理生理学和治疗方面取得了巨大进步,但仍有一些问题尚未得到解答。疾病登记册可能是获得更多关于TSC的见识的有效工具,从而有助于制定改进的管理策略。方法增强结核病意识的结核病登记系统(TOSCA)是一个多中心的国际疾病登记系统,用于评估TSC患者的表现,干预措施和预后。被诊断为TSC的任何年龄的患者,在过去12个月内有记录的TSC访视的患者或新诊断的患者均符合条件。目标包括:绘制TSC表现的过程及其对预后的影响;确定罕见症状和合并症的患者;记录干预措施及其结果;为疾病评估和治疗建立证据基础;为TSC的进一步研究提供依据;并评估TSC患者的生活质量。注册表包含“核心”部分,小节或“花瓣”。 “核心”部分旨在记录在基线收集并每年更新的有关患者背景的一般信息。随着时间的推移,将开发小节,以记录与特定疾病表现有关的其他数据,并将每年更新一次。该注册表旨在招募来自31个国家/地区约250个站点的大约2000名患者。初始注册期为24个月。计划长达5年的随访观察期。结果对前100名患者的“核心”数据进行了预先计划的行政分析,以评估注册系统的可行性。结果表明数据收集程序的准确性很高。计划进行年度中期分析。首次中期分析的结果将在2014年数据发布后提供。含义TOSCA的结果将有助于填补了解TSC自然历史的空白,并有助于规划更好的管理和监督策略。这个研究TSC的大型国际注册机构可以作为鼓励其他稀有疾病的类似注册机构规划的模型。


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